Monday, January 29, 2007

Great show in Wellborn

Mike and Becky Swafford of Swafford's Sunny Acres did it again with a super show this past weekend at their farm. Sixteen exhibitors and over 100 goats made it one of the largest FPGA shows in it's history. It was great to see friends from TN, GA, SC, NC, and AL make it to the show despite the threat of rain and impending cold weather. The weather cooperated and the shows (2 in one day) were a great success. Congratulations to all who participated and especially to the champions.

Kidding season is about done here with two does left to kid. Plans are finalized for the start of our next breeding season which will commence on March 12th. These will be August kids. I finalized the breeding pair last night and they will produce awesome kids! PGCH OHF Quinton with be the main man on this go-around.

We are expecting a chilly night, tonight, with temperatures getting near freezing for the first time in a while. Everyone in the barn was huddled when I last looked tonight. I saw four kids squeezed into one feed bucket. Cute and warm.

Congratulations to Alexis Houghten who showed one of our former does to a grand champion win at the Goats-R-Us 4H goats show in Ft Myers this past weekend. Way to go Alexis and Crystal. Alexis also place second in Junior Showmanship.

Bundle up everyone tonight.



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