Pygmy Goats in Florida - Oak Haven Farm

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Moving Forward

School is finally out for our CHRISTMAS vacation! Woo-woo! Boy did I need it. Lots and lots to do over the next two weeks on the farm; fixing fences, cleaning the barn, BABIES!!!, and liquidating the Boer/meat herd. Yes, were cutting back. The plan is to cut down to only three bucks and a only a few brood does and raise the babies that are coming this week and next. Time to vacation and have some fun.

We will be posting the names and photos of our does for sale as soon as they kid. But they will not be available until we wean the kids in late winter. PGCH Black Knight is still available if you want to get the special someone in you life a really nice Christmas present. So is OHF Michaeleen O'Flynn. I'll even tie a nice bow on them for you.

We are going Zebu shopping this coming week......more later on that.

Remember....if nothing changes, nothing changes.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Winterfest Show News and Views

Thank you to everyone who attending the 10th annual Winterfest Show back on December 2nd. It was a great success. I cannot thank my wife, Carol, enough for the long hours she put in to make the show a success. I also need to thank the weatherman for cooperating with the beautiful weather - we saw clouds but no rain. And how about the food?! Chef Bert Spagnola provided the vittles for our lunch. Who could resist the smoked turkey, pineapple/mango salsa and the rice and pigeon peas? He is planning for next years lunch already.

Congratulations to Andy Nash for finishing his buck Kabills Farm Zachary. It is always nice to be at a show where an animal finishes and records their last grand for their Permanent Grand Champion status. And a big WHO-HAA to Jamie White for winning Best Wether with HBF Christmas Elf and for winning grand champion doe with her HBF Tinkerbelle.

Colton Clark was our champion youth showman this year. Colton won the Winterfest Youth Showmanship Challenge and the huge ribbon to go with that honor. Way to go Colton!

And a final well done to the Plush family for winning our very first Goat Poker tournment and the basket of cheer, with a strongest hand of three Jacks. What a great no-draw, straight poker hand! Thanks to everyone who played. I doubt we will ever get on ESPN for our poker tournment, but it was fun.

Oak Haven Farm is cutting their herd down and if you are interested in quality brood does, they will be available after they wean their kids in early March. We are expecting about 10 does to kid between Christmas and New Years Day. Yep, my Christmas break from school will be a busy one. Hopefully we will have more does kids than bucklings this season. If you are interested in Boer or meat goats, we are selling out the entire herd. There are registered and unregistered animals; Does and bucks. This is a nice opportunity to get into the growing meat goat biz.

More later.