Friday, May 11, 2007


With less than two weeks left in the school year, we are planning our summer activities. It's nice to be in education with the summers off. This year we have an additional two weeks due to a new state law governing starting dates for school districts. Kind of nice for some additional days.

We are watching our pregnant does get bigger and bigger from week to week. July and August will be busy for us with the prospect for a load of bouncing kids. After our kidding and weaning this summer, we will be liquidating about 75% of our herd. If you are looking strong and healthy brood does and herd sires, consider coming to the farm and reserving your buck or doe; and even reserve a kid. Now may be your best opportunity to get a terrific deal on an animal to improve you herd and make a splash in the showring. We will be putting out public flyer of our available animals in August, but if you would like to get on our private emailing list, please drop use a note and we will get you all the information on our herd first! Take advantage of our 19 years of experience. We will "deal" and starter herd packages will be available.

Finally, it is officially rain dance time. Wow, we need recover some pasture and in a hurry!



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