Friday, July 27, 2007

Two weeks left of fun!!

The beginning of school is only two weeks away. That still leaves plenty of time for summer fun. Like...painting a bedroom, moving some pens around, and delivering babies. Well we have had a jammed packed summer so far...a family trip to NYC and Jersey...and two weeks in Cali. Boy oh boy is Sacramento hot! 112 degrees! "But it's a dry heat" Yea right! Hot is hot. We did manage to get to Tahoe for some 5 card and San Fran for sourdough. We also rented bikes and pedaled over the Golden Gate Bridge. That was cool. Really cool....60 degrees in foggy surrounds of the Bay Area. Carol and I even got to go up into the Sierra's for some gold panning with our brother-in-law and our three nephews. AND I did find some gold flakes. Not much to be rich, but enough to appreciate what those prospectors did back in the 1850's.

We are glad to be home again and watching our does begin to usher in our summer kidding season. So far so good. Four kiddings and lots of nice looking kids out of PGCH Quinton and 3- time Grand Champion Fever Pitch. The doe kids are winning the kid race by one over the bucklings born so far. We have about 10 more does to kid before the end of the summer. Our Quinton kids will be born later in August.

Andy Nash announced that he will not be running again for NPGA Director. Too bad, he is a great director; a sane voice with a lot of common sense. Andy is a great guy. If you ever get to a show and he is there, just walk up and introduce yourself. And if you can, hang around the barn at night, sip a cool slush puppy with him and listen to one of his stories.

Remember to make sure to take a rest from your fun summer and get your hurricane and storm kit ready. "The storms, they will come."

Keep the faith.



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