Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hurricane Preparedness Part 2

Well, I hope you have at least made a start to plan for when a hurricane comes to town. Don't overdue you prep for your animals at the expense of your personal and family plans in the event of an evacuation. You need to get your "stuff" in order so you can get out if you need to. If you have taken the basic steps to keep your animals safe, you need now to focus on YOU and YOUR FAMILY. Your animals can be replaced, not you family members. I personally would not stay around to "protect" my animals in the event of an evacuation. I would get out of Dodge!

Here is another good tips in the event of a hurricane. Do not lock the animals in the barn in the event of a hurricane or tropical storm. Always have a way they can safely get out of the barn in case the barn gives way or blows away. The animals will do ok in the rain and wet. During Hurricane Charlie only one or two head of cattle did not make it through the storm. I would safely say the none of use have a hurricane proof barn. So make sure if you keep them in, because we all know goats do not like the rain, make sure they have a safe escape route or two in the event the barn does sail off. If you have horses, halter them with your phone or address in the event the fences blow down. I saw a few horses during Charlie that were spray painted with the owners phone numbers. Never try to keep a horse inside during a hurricane.

Cool heads and rational decisions will help you during an impending tropical storm or hurricane.

Be Smart



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