Pygmy Goats in Florida - Oak Haven Farm

Sunday, August 19, 2007

School Days

The time is here...back to school. Yes, it's back to work for this goat farmer. Well, it will actually be a bit of rest from all the work around the house, pastures and barn. At least I will be in air conditioning for the better part of the day. The barn sure holds the heat, even with new fans installed. Ah...smiling faces, eyes full of wonder, staring back ....and that's the parents!

Has Hurricane Dean woke you up yet? It may not get to Florida, but it should get you all off you butts to complete you preparedness kits and supplies just in case we do get a big storm. Do you have a weather alert radio? It might be good to get one along with some extra gas cans, water, food and batteries.

Our big sales list is in the works. Some of the newborn babies are listed on the webpage. At weaning we will have some super nice bucks and does. The buckling crop so far is tremendous. Thick muscled, great legs and bone. Their confirmation is the best we seen yet. If you want a ring competitive animal, look no further than here.

We have some PGCH Quinton kids on the ground and they look GREAT! More are on the way toward the end of August through September. Our brood doe portion of our sale will highlight some great bloodlines in easy kidding does. Although they are retired from the ring, their worth as brood does is great. They will make you many nice kids in the years to come.

Have a wonderful day.
